What communication really is and what does it means for me, for your friends and for the whole society at all? About this question we could debate for tens of minutes, maybe tens of hours. So I will try to type a little bit of my opinion and some reflection on my course Theories of communication, quickly.
Communication is not exactly something that makes us humans, more preciously it is the way how we communicate because animals communicate also. Birds sings, tigers roars, but not even the most skillful monkey can't use mail or sent us a text message, yet. So communication as it exists in all aspects of life, all creatures are using it. It is something that is there from ancient ages, much more thousands of years before years of Cristus, even before our first forefathers.
As time went forms of communication has changed, has changed a lot, starting with first worlds and symbols drew on the walls of caves over first writing, through first advertising and propaganda stuff, over first telephone calls and television broadcasting ends up in small thing as cellphone is, with whom we can write texts, watch tv, shoot photos, record our voice.
We made up a group, btw. our name is doubleF, haha and we were asked what are the most 3 important degrees in communication development for humankind, the first two points had all groups the same I would say - the writing and the terrific invention internet, the last one was quite difficult to determine, some group said French photography other group found Italian telephone, who knows, what do you think? Anyway every each step in inventing ways how to communicate and how to share our messages with others was a big step forward and meant enormous changes in existing communication.
In my opinion, the most important thing in communication was speech itself, it was the starting jumping bridge for communication as we know it today, right now.
My conclusions about this class are that I know more about the history of communication, the new thing was that the propaganda has started in the Ancient Greek, with master Caesar and that there was 2 types of the internet, the one for government only and the public one which is running since 1996 I guess. Maybe it would be better to communicate more in course named Theories of communication, but it is because of the language gap (yeah, its huge look at this text) I would say, however, I believe it will get better by the time.
And media studies are important, yep, definitely and should be investigated and studied, no doubt about this but the same is with medicine, with political sciences, with every single one industry or science as you wish, because everything in this world is important. The world, society or whatever is evolving and we have to learn how to work with and use new things and thoughts and hope that they won't learn how to work and use us, humanity.